Some inventions have fuelled human growth and evolution. Like the invention of the wheel have cheated the way we transport and move. Not only transportation, but wheel have also played a pivotal role in every aspect of life and still, it is doing the same. But before the invention of the wheel, there is one invention that has fuelled human development and population growth. That is the agricultural revolution. Before agriculture, humans were only hunters. The problem in hunting is that food supply remains scarce and it is also dangerous to hunt. But when man learns to grow crops, everything changed.
Due to ample availability of food, the human population increased and civilization thrived. With time, man has excelled in the science of agriculture. This reason that even with a population of 8 billion, we are still managed to produce the food at this quantum. This only gets possible due to advancements in agricultural sciences and methods. Now the technological pinnacle in the agriculture industry is controlled traffic farming. Controlled traffic farming is becoming very popular worldwide and especially in Australia, it has wide application. Even the Australians are said to be pioneers in controlled traffic farming. Controlled traffic farming has helped to increase the yield and bring down the operational cost.
There has been the use of technology in agriculture from the last 50 years, like automated picker i.e., John Deere 7760 in australia is one of the known equipment. But John Deere 7760 has a limited role when it comes to agriculture as their prime role is picking. Whereas the method of controlled traffic farming is to increase the fertility of the soil and that will result in more yields. Controlled traffic farming also adds other environmental benefits that can help to improve the farming practices
- Controlled traffic farming has helped to reduce the consumption of fertilizer. Due to the high uptake of fertilizers, one can get a better yield with less consumption of fertilizers. This means it not only save your cost on fertilisers but with fewer cost, you will be getting more yield. The less use of fertilizer is good for the environment.
- With help of 12m controlled traffic farming in australia, there will be little disturbance in soil. It is beneficial in the area where the rainfall is limited and this less disturbance in soil, help to prevent loss of water.
The soil also emits gases especially after intake of fertilizer. But controlled traffic farming improves the structure of the soil, the soil will absorb the favourable gases that are needed for crop growth. Due to the soil will methane and other harmful gases. Methane is harmful to the environment.